As security systems advance, they’re making the most of new technologies and trends to improve safety and reduce risk. That means using different kinds of methods to detect and alert to risks.
Lasers – a key method for detecting intruder risks – are now commonly used in many high-tech intruder alarm systems. But how do they work? And what’s the benefit of a laser security system for your commercial premises?
What is a laser security system?
The word ‘laser’ actually standards for ‘light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’. Laser security systems emit narrow beams of light (lasers) to identify intruder presence.
However, unlike in the movies, these beams aren’t visible, they’re more like ‘wavelengths’. That means intruders won’t be able to replicate the infamous scenes from Goldfinger or Oceans Twelve by navigating carefully through visible beams of light.
If the beam is broken (ie reflected from an intruder), the system will produce a notification. Depending on the specific system, this can be a loud alarm sound, or a silent notification to the building owner or responsible person and/or emergency services, without alerting the intruder.
More modern laser security systems are also able to record a number of important pieces of information from the reflected light beam, including the distance, size and speed of the intruder. Reports of any intruders can be accessed and downloaded remotely for cloud-based systems.
What makes a laser security system?
A laser security system is made up of three main components:
• The laser
• The detector (which identifies any breaks in the laser beams)
• The alarm unit (which can alert in a number of ways, depending on the individual system and its programmed settings).
• The detector (which identifies any breaks in the laser beams)
• The alarm unit (which can alert in a number of ways, depending on the individual system and its programmed settings).
How does a laser security system work?
Laser security systems project wavelengths of light across a space, into a series of mirrors and finally into a detector. This detector then emits a specific voltage into the sensing electronics (providing the laser hits it). If the laser is broken, the detector’s voltage will adjust, triggering the alarm.
The lasers should be set up strategically around the space they’re monitoring, such that it’s not possible for an intruder to enter the area without triggering the alarm system.
What are the benefits of a laser security system?
Laser security systems create a ‘virtual security curtain’ for a commercial premises, meaning any movement will be detected and recorded for maximum safety. This creates a highly-secure zone, so any unattended premises – for example, those left unoccupied overnight – are fully protected.
Laser security systems can also integrate with your CCTV systems to record any suspicious activity to aid prosecution of any intruders.
Want to find out more?
Get in touch with a member of our team for a free site survey – so you can see whether a laser system is right for your business.